Shipping and delivery

We accept orders every day of the week. Orders are processed in the order they are received. We use suitable shipping methods to ensure the fastest delivery to you.

When you place an order, we will estimate a delivery date based on the shipping method selected and the shipment’s destination. You will receive a tracking link along with shipment confirmation when your package leaves the warehouse.

Izaiahtshirt ships to all 50 US states and follows standard shipping methods. Orders are typically processed in 1-3 days and shipped within 7-15 business days from the time of order. Orders placed on Sunday will be processed the following Monday.

Shipping destination and shipping charges

Packages will be delivered upon completion (7-15 days after processing time), unless otherwise stated. Shipping costs are calculated in United States Dollars (USD) at a fixed price of $6.99, the price will be displayed in the checkout before the final payment step.

International Taxes And Duties

For orders outside the US, your order may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. We cannot control and is not responsible for any duties/taxes applied to your package upon delivery.

You will be responsible for paying additional charges for customs clearance. Customs policies vary widely from country to country; please contact your local customs office for further information.

Package is lost or damaged

We take every precaution to ensure your order is delivered safely and on time. However, if your package is lost or damaged during transit, please contact us immediately.

Important information

We cannot cancel orders once they have left the warehouse.

Delivery times are estimates only and may be delayed due to payment confirmation and/or stock availability.

In the event that an order is refused or delivery fails due to incorrect or erroneous information provided, we will deduct shipping charges and any additional fees, such as import duties and taxes. tax, on your refund.

Still have questions

Please contact us at [email protected] , or:

Phone: +1 325-298-0326

Address: 3633 S State St, Chicago, IL 60609, US